Mr. Spann recognizes MUE's AR 100 point club students for 1st semester

4th grade ELA and Social Studies teacher, Mr. DeAnte Spann has two super readers who are working tirelessly to improve reading skills and meet their own reading point goal for the school year. 
Treyden Hunt and Emma Matlock are the only two students who have over 100 Accelerated Reader (AR) points, which qualifies them to be in the AR 100 point club for first semester. For Treyden and Emma, it started off as a competition, but has now landed them to simply read for enjoyment and to strengthen their reading and vocabulary skills.
Treyden holds 191 AR points and Emma has 151.2 AR points. Both credit Mr. Spann for pushing them to read daily in his reading/language arts class and look forward to being a part of the 300 point club by the end of the school year.
Because of their unwavering efforts, Mr. Spann recognized them in front of their peers presenting them with a certificate of achievement, a letter exempting them from 9 weeks ELA and Social Studies exam, a coupon for a free lunch of their choice provided by Mr. Spann, and five "No Homework/20 minutes of free time" coupons for his ELA/Social Studies class.